Psychology Laboratory
Exclusive psychology laboratory has been established with the intention to test theoretical concepts, theories and principles of education by the student teachers in the laboratory.
Psychological laboratories are equipped for two purposes
- For the recording of behavior and for the monitoring of mental and emotional states.
- For the systematic control of environmental and individual factors which influence and determine human mental and emotional states.
Psychology laboratory in our college has following facilities
- Student teacher can be engaged in group and individual psychological test
- Laboratory comprises of interest test, creativity test, intelligence test, attitude test,
Aptitude test and personality test etc.
- Personality test and other test measuring different ability of the students
- Well equipped laboratory having adequate instrument and practical guidance by teaching faculty
- Alfred Binet, Kamat ,Eysenck J.B.Guilford, John D. Mayer etc Psychology test`s will be conducted in the laboratory, According to Rani Chanamma University Belagavi syllabus educational psychology tests will be conducted in the Laboratory.