Course Outcomes

Course Outcomes

Type of Component SEMESTER Course Name Course Outcomes
Perspectives in Education I Childhood and Adolescence Student-Teachers Explain the process of development with special focus on infancy, childhood and adolescence.
      Student-Teachers Critically Analyze developmental variations among children.
      Student-Teachers Comprehend adolescence as a period of transition and threshold of adulthood.
      Student-Teachers Analyze different factors influencing child development.
    Philosophical and Sociological Bases of Education Student-Teachers  list the Inter-relationship between Philosophy and Education
      Student-Teachers  appreciate the basic trends and principles and development of the major Schools of philosophy
      Student-Teachers  compare the relationship between Sociological Bases for Education and Philosophical Bases of Education
      Student-Teachers analyses the Constitutional provisions for Education in practice
    Educational Technology Student-Teachers  Explain the meaning and use of cybernetics
      Student-Teachers  use the different Media in Education
      Student-Teachers list the different learning experiences and use them in the teaching-learning process.
      Student-Teachers Integrate ICT into Teaching Learning, administration and Evaluation.
      Student-Teachers Design and develop and use learning materials in Teaching.
  II Learning and Teaching Process Student-Teachers  comprehend the theories of learning and intelligence and their applications for teaching children
      Student-Teachers  analyses the learning process, nature and theory of motivation
      Student-Teachers  describe the stages of teaching and learning and the role of teacher
      Student-Teachers situate self in the teaching learning process
      Student-Teachers  analyze the scope and role of assessment in teaching learning process in order to introduce dynamic assessment scheme for educational set up towards enhanced learning
    Knowledge and Curriculum Student-Teachers appreciate changes in education in the context of society culture and modernisation
      Student-Teachers  evaluate  the National , Global & Secular Paradigms of Education
      Student-Teachers explain the concept , bases , Various interpretation of curriculum steps of Process of Curriculum Construction
      Student-Teachers establish the relationship  among power , Ideology & Curriculum
    Education in Contemporary India
Student-Teachers Explain the History Nature and Process of Philosophy of Education
      Student-Teachers Analyze the role  of Educational system in the context of Modern Ethos
      Student-Teachers  differentiate between understanding of the Trends issues and Challenges faced by the contemporary Indian Education
      Student-Teachers Review of Educational Commissions of pre and Independence of India
    Techniques Methods Approaches of Pedagogy Student-Teachers understand the teaching learning as system.
      Student-Teachers differentiate tools, techniques, methods and approaches.
      Student-Teachers understand the schematic orientation towards class room transaction.
      Student-Teachers understand the role of teacher in various contexts.
      Student-Teachers equip with abilities for TLM preparation.

Optional Course

    Health and Physical Education Student-Teachers explain the significance of health education for the all-round development.
      Student-Teachers evaluate the Benefits of Physical Education and its related fields.
      Student-Teachers list the skills of organising sports, games and other physical education activities.
      Student-Teachers acquire the knowledge of first aid and Develop leadership qualities.
    Guidance  & Counseling Student-Teachers differentiate between the concept of Guidance and Counseling
      Student-Teachers assess the strengths & learning Difficulties of Students after conducting a case study
      Student-Teachers  decide  their subjects for future study through vocational guidance
      Student-Teachers collect data using various tools like questionnaire,  achievement test etc
      Student-Teachers apply the techniques of Guidance and Counseling in practice teaching schools during internship.
    Environmental Education Student-Teachers develop an awareness of problems or issues of local and global environment.
      Student-Teachers acquire knowledge and understanding of terms, concepts, principles, relationship, phenomena related to environment.
      Student-Teachers  apply the knowledge understanding of the environmental concepts, principles, etc., to
      Student-Teachers arrive at alternate solutions to the problems of environment and Carry out action oriented projects.
    Value Education Student-Teachers explain the concept and types of values.
      Student-Teachers develop awareness about the different agencies working in the sphere of value education.
      Student-Teachers develop skills and techniques needed to teach value education.
      Student-Teachers give reasons for role of the teacher in value education.
      Student-Teachers get an insight into the strategies of inculcation of values among children.
  III Inclusive Education Student-Teachers adjust with heterogeneous group in the class.
      Student-Teachers co-operate with other disability learners.
      Student-Teachers Distinguish the concepts of Special Education, Integrated Education and Inclusive Education
      Student-Teachers Justify the need for Inclusive Education.
      Student-Teachers Analyze critically the needs, problems, causes and educational provisions meant for challenged children.
      Student-Teachers Interpret the policies and procedures for Inclusive Education
      Student-Teachers Critically review issues and challenges in Inclusive Education.
    Educational Evaluation Student-Teachers use the quantitative and qualitative tools and techniques of Evaluation
      Student-Teachers judge skill in preparing, administering and interpreting Achievement Test
      Student-Teachers  list new trends in Evaluation
      Student-Teachers analyses the measures of central tendencies,  Deviation and Graphs construction
  IV Gender, School and Society Student-Teachers explain the different contracts in Gender.
      Student-Teachers compare the social construction of gender with respect to identities and localities
      Student-Teachers elucidate the relation between gender and school.
      Student-Teachers explain the place of gender with respect to modern society
    Educational Administration           and Management Student-Teachers To understand the concept and concerns of Educational Organization, Administration and Management
      Student-Teachers To give the knowledge about management at different levels and functioning
      Student-Teachers To understand the roll of Headmaster and the teachers in School Management Supervision & Inspection.
      Student-Teachers To Develop the skill in preparing and maintaining the school records
      Student-Teachers To acquaint the healthy school climate in the institution
    Advanced Pedagogy of Specific Subjects-I (APSS-1) Student -Teachers understand the concept of Advanced Pedagogy with reference to facilitating learning in their respective pedagogies
      Student -Teachers understand the concept of Advanced Pedagogy with reference to facilitating learning in their respective pedagogies
      Student-Teachers develop the art of Designing modules for the purpose of facilitating in their respective pedagogies
      Student-Teachers incorporate the Values of Various Higher level techniques of teaching
      Student-Teachers plan and organise higher level techniques of teaching through seminar
      Student-Teachers incorporate the use of ICT in lesson teaching
    Advanced Pedagogy on Specific Subjects of Study -2 (APSS-2) Student-Teachers Understand the Profession and its importance.
      Student-Teachers Understand the Professional growth.
      Student-Teachers Understand the importance of Pre-service and In-service training.
      Student-Teachers Understand the Competencies of higher secondary teacher.
      Student-Teachers Understand the organization and its role in professional growth.
Enhancing Professional Competencies (EPC) I 1.     Language Across the Curriculum Student -Teachers develop language teaching competency
      Student -Teachers Understand the multiple roles of language and create to the language diversity that exist in the classroom
      Student -Teachers Inculcate sensitivity and competency towards catering to a multilingual audience in schools.
      Student -Teachers  develop the ability to use language in an explicit and differential Manner
      Student -Teachers develop an understanding of the centrality of language in the curriculum.
    2.     ICT-Basic Competencies Student- Teachers list advantages and disadvantages of Internet.
      Student- Teachers display hands-on experience.
      Student- Teachers prepare Computerised Good Lesson plan
      Student teachers Explain the importance of computers
    3. Psychosocial Tools and Techniques Student-Teachers acquaint to administer Psychological tests and conduct a case study.
      Student-Teachers identified Individual Differences in a child through the case study and suggest suitable guidance and remedial measures.
  II 4.     ICT Applications Student –Teachers explain the importance of computers, camera, and video camera
      Student –Teachers analyses software’s, digital publication activities, web related activities
      Student- Teachers use Audio recording, computer software‘s, research and data analysis
    5. Fine Arts And Theatres Student-Teachers understand the functions of drama and art.
      Student-Teachers learn how to integrate drama and art in the school curriculum.
    6.     Simulated and ICT Mediated Lessons Student-Teachers develop the skill of observing and to provide constructive feedback to their peers
      Student-Teachers assimilate the methods and strategies required for their lesson teaching in respective pedagogy & will develop time -sense & time management.
      Student-Teachers develop the skill of observing and to provide constructive feedback to their peers
    7.     Understanding Self, Personality and Yoga Student-Teachers  appreciate the origin and history of Yoga in India
      Student-Teachers explain the concept and importance of yoga for general health and quality life style.
      Student-Teachers integrate the practice of yoga and it& asanas for better self concept and esteem-personality.
    8.     Research Project Student-Teachers apply with the concept of Action Research in Education and the potential in holds for the improvement in the performance of the school.
      Student-Teachers identify and formulate suitable problems for Action Research.
      Student-Teachers acquaint with the various steps of conducting Action Research.
      Student-Teachers employ descriptive statistical techniques in Action Research
    9.     Reading and Reflecting Student-Teachers enhance their capacities as reflective readers
      Student-Teachers engage themselves in interactive reading –individually and in small groups.
      Student-Teachers  exhibit their understanding of a text read in an oral or written discourse and relate the content to their own conceptualizations of various issues
      Student-Teachers read accurately texts available in digital forms making use of various gadgets.
    10.  Teacher Placement and CET classes Student-Teachers differentiate among the C-TET , K-TET and CET
      Student-Teachers write the  Nature of testing and question paper formats
      Student-Teachers explain the of teacher placement procedure.
Pedagogic Courses I Understanding Discipline and Pedagogy- Social Science Student-Teachers appreciate the place of Social Science in school Curriculum
      Student-Teachers  over view the Foundations of each discipline with respect to Social Science
      Student-Teachers list the perspectives in Social Science
      Student-Teachers inculcate the pedagogical practice in social Science Curriculum
    Understanding Discipline and Pedagogy- Science Student-Teachers  explain the Nature - Perspective and Development of Science
      Student - Teachers analyse critically the science with respect to the learner Context
      Student-Teachers list the Pedagogical practices in Science Curriculum
      Student-Teachers differentiate the Curriculum, Syllabus and Textbook
      Student - Teachers comprehend Critical review of Science Curriculum at the National level.
    Understanding Discipline and Pedagogy-Languages Student-Teachers explain the meaning of language and its components.
      Student-Teachers decide the language as a medium of instruction respective English.
      Student-Teachers compare the Language and Literacy in the Context of School and language
      Student-Teachers apply the Language as a process with respect to classroom context.
    Understanding Discipline and Pedagogy-Mathematics Student-Teachers evaluate the various curriculums of Mathematics
      Student-Teachers explain the Nature, Structure, scope and relation with other disciplines.
      Student-Teachers differentiate between the Approaches and Methods of Teaching  Mathematics
      Student-Teachers judge the aims and objectives of teaching Mathematics.
      Student-Teachers decide the learning experiences appropriate to the objectives of teaching secondary school Mathematics.
    Understanding Discipline and School Subject Student-Teachers understand the planning for Teaching Biology
      Student-Teachers use advanced and creative techniques, learning aids and improvised apparatus in Biology lessons.
      Student-Teachers plan and execute various curricular and co – curricular activities related to teaching of biological science.
      Student-Teachers gain an insight in to the skills of evaluating the outcomes of teaching biological science and prepare items and tests for secondary school students.
      Student-Teachers appreciate and inculcate the competencies and commitments needed for a biological science teacher.
    Understanding Discipline and Pedagogy-Commerce and Economics Student-Teachers demonstrate their knowledge of the fundamental and technical concepts of economics and Commerce.
      Student-Teachers apply the basic theories of economics and Commerce in critical thinking and problem solving.
      Student-Teachers identify and use Economics and Commerce terminologies in oral and written communications.
      Student-Teachers demonstrate an awareness of their role in the global Economics
    Subject Specific Pedagogy- English Student-Teachers appreciate the history and importance of language as a second subject.
      Student-Teachers explain the importance of language as a second subject.
      Student-Teachers analyses the aspects of language and theoretical knowledge of the different structures of the language.
      Student-Teachers acquaint with the various teaching skills of English for classroom teaching.
      Student Teachers acquire responsibilities of an English teacher in school community.
      Student Teachers design lessons plans for teaching of prose, poetry of vocabulary.
      Student-Teachers appreciate the history and importance of language as a second subject.
    Subject Specific Pedagogy- Accountancy Student-Teachers develop the ability to plan curriculum and instruction in Business Studies at senior School Level.
      Student-Teachers impart knowledge of the methods and devices of teaching Business Studies.
      Student-Teachers apply appropriate methods and devices of teaching particular topics for Business Studies.
    Subject Specific Pedagogy- Business Studies Student-Teachers develop the ability to plan curriculum and instruction in Business Studies at secondary and senior secondary School Level.
      Student-Teachers Impart knowledge of the methods and devices of teaching Business Studies.
      Student-Teachers apply appropriate methods and devices of teaching particular topics for Business Studies.
    Subject Specific Pedagogy- Hindi Student –Teachers select methods, diaries and techniques of Hindi teaching.
      Student –Teachers use variety of learning experiences and instructional materials while Teaching Kannada.
      Student –Teachers systematically write planning and organization of teaching Kannada.
      Student –Teachers  list the technique, methods of Teaching Kannada
      Student –Teachers  appreciate the importance of suitable teaching aids in language
    Subject Specific Pedagogy- Kannada Student –Teachers select methods, diaries and techniques of Kannada teaching.
      Student –Teachers  use variety of learning experiences and instructional materials while Teaching Kannada
      Student –Teachers systematically write planning and organization of teaching Kannada
      Student –Teachers  list the technique, methods of Teaching Kannada
      Student –Teachers  appreciate the importance of suitable teaching aids in language
    Subject Specific Pedagogy-Physical Science Student-Teachers differentiate the  Learner centered and Teacher centered Approaches
      Student-Teachers design the planning and collect  Resources for Teaching Physical science
      Student - Teachers  choose various Methods , Techniques and Models of Teaching to teach different topics of Physical Science
      Student-Teachers analyze critically different Curricula of Physical Science
    Subject Specific Pedagogy-Biological Science Student-Teachers understand the planning for Teaching Biology
      Student-Teachers use advanced and creative techniques, learning aids and improvised apparatus in Biology lessons.
      Student-Teachers plan and execute various curricular and co – curricular activities related to teaching of biological science.
      Student-Teachers gain an insight in to the skills of evaluating the outcomes of teaching biological science and prepare items and tests for secondary school students.
      Student-Teachers appreciate and inculcate the competencies and commitments needed for a biological science teacher.
    Subject Specific Pedagogy- Mathematics Student-Teachers evaluate the various curriculums of Mathematics
      Student-Teachers explain the Nature, Structure, scope and relation with other disciplines.
      Student-Teachers differentiate between the Approaches and Methods of Teaching  Mathematics
      Student-Teachers judge the aims and objectives of teaching Mathematics.
      Student-Teachers decide the learning experiences appropriate to the objectives of teaching secondary school Mathematics.
    Subject Specific Pedagogy- Social Science Student-Teachers explain Nature of History and Political Science
      Student-Teachers Correlate History with other subjects
      Student-Teachers Demonstrate to Learn in Module In History Political Science and Social Science Discipline
      Student-Teachers practice potential skill of Teaching History
      Student-Teachers differentiate between different Approaches & Methods
      Student-Teachers evaluate the maxims of Teaching through self reflection.
Engaging Field Work (EF) I Micro Teaching and Integration Student -Teachers assimilate new teaching skill under controlled conditions and acquire confidence in teaching
      Student-Teachers acquire mastery in various skills
      Student -Teachers modify the teaching behaviors in the expected manner.
      Student-Teacher develop the skill of observation and skill of giving constructive feedback
      Student-Teachers equip themselves for teaching by integrating skills.
  II Pre-Internship Student -Teachers modify the teaching behaviors in the expected manner.
      Student-Teacher develops the skill of observation and skill of giving constructive feedback.
      Student –Teachers attain the skill of interacting with students during 5E Model Lesson Teaching.
      Student –Teachers attain the skill of interacting with school teachers during Pre-Internship Lesson Teaching.
  III Block Teaching Lessons Student-Teachers develop the skill of observing and to provide constructive feedback to their peers.
      Student-teachers assess & evaluate the student’s performance in unit test.
      Student-Teachers understand the weakness of student in their respective pedagogy.
      Student-Teachers design the Diagnostic test based in the student’s performance.
      Student-Teachers provide the Remedial Instruction to the student on the basis of attainment in Diagnostic test.
      Student-Teachers plan and organise conduct co-curricular activities in the school climate.
      Student-Teachers will be able to prepare the question Bank on the particular unit of the specified Pedagogy.
      Student-Teachers plan design and practice the criticism lesson
  IV Field- Work And Immersion (FWAI) Student-Teachers inculcate competencies and knowledge enters in the school premises to handle the learner under the supervision of guiding teacher.
      Student-Teachers equip themselves to be as A real Teacher in Field Work And Immersion
      Student-Teachers undertake all the roles of a fully fledged teacher